Friday 15 August 2014

One day in Vienna

So after a hot twelve hour night train with barely any sleep, we arrived in Vienna! We made our way to the hostel and dropped our bags off at 7am as check in wasn't until 2pm! We were starving so we decided to try a traditional Austrian delicacy...Burger King. Sitting outside on a beautiful street in Vienna eating a breakfast burger was a bit surreal. 


Somehow we dragged our bodies around the city and took in all the sites. The buildings are truly stunning and the work that has gone in to creating them is insane. We managed to see all the sites in a few hours which was perfect as we were in no fit state to carry on walking! A pit stop at a restaurant for a nice lasagne meal was required before heading to our hostel. As we are respectable members of society who always maintain our dignity, we slept in the lobby until check in. Very classy.

Amazing buildings

Me doing one of two poses from my repertoire 

Crazy bloke on a horse

We chilled for the rest of the day until the evening when we went to an irish bar for a few drinks and food. It was a Friday night so we had no choice but to go for a night out! After drinking in our hotel we headed out to vault gardens which was a great club. Very classy for down and out backpackers but nonetheless we had a great night. A gorgeous fried duck and noodles meal was required afterwards before stumbling back through the picturesque streets of Vienna. 

More bloody horses

Filthy lasagne

As I write this I am sat on the floor of a train with at least twenty other people who have been as stupid as me in not reserving a train seat. A cute little girl is trying to play with my phone as I attempt to write this blog! It's very crampt and uncomfortable but I wouldn't change it as it's another experience! I arrive in Budapest in a few hours and so many people I've met have told me how amazing it is. The spa party tonight should be awesome. However before that my focus is on trying to get comfortable on this floor. Could be tricky

S x

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