Monday 25 August 2014

Hungary for Budapest

So after a very cramped train journey, we finally arrived in Budapest! We had booked up a quaint little place called 2Night hostel which was close to the Danube. After grabbing a few hours sleep, it was time for a delicious meal and a few drinks. We went to one bar where they told us our second drink would be our last order and for us not to worry as they hadn't called the police...No idea what their problem was as it was just a quiet drink! 

After avoiding a delightful stay in a Hungarian prison cell, we made our way to the Cinetrip spa party (Sparty). Each week they hold a party at the natural thermal spas but this was a special event there with a massive light show and dj's. It was unreal! One of the best things I've ever done and easily competed with Ibiza. Raving in the water to some great tunes with a drink in hand was unique and one of the highlights of my trip. Things did get a bit perverted towards the end as I'm sure a few people were banging in the pools. Very hygienic. 

Spa party

Might be poor quality but here's a video of the spa party

After such a good night we spent most of Sunday recovering. We were both feeling pretty run down so a day of chilling was in order. We got up late and had a wander around a few sites before grabbing a meal and watching some of the footy. A memorial next to the Danube for the Jewish victims of the Holocaust was unique and so interesting to see.
By the Danube

Holocaust memorial

Nice area in Budapest

The evening was spent having a filthy curry and apparently having a night off from partying. This didn't last for long. We clearly have issues. We made our way to a 'ruins' bar called Zsimpla. These bars are very unique as they are designed to be run down and everything looks very old. We had a great night and ended up jogging back through the city to our hostel at about 4am. Who needs a taxi when you have legs of steel! Monday was my last full day in Budapest and it was going to be a good one. We had some grub and then went to check in at our new hostel....Grandio. There are a range of party hostels in Budapest which are on a scale of how crazy they are. We managed to book a night in the one that was advertised as the craziest hostel. To put it in to context, the hostel description begins with, "You can sleep when you're dead". Good point. From outside it looks like a prison but as you walk in it's very cool. A big courtyard with hanging trees and a bar which is surrounded by a balcony above. It is similar to the ruins bars and has lots of graffiti and cool pictures. If I had to describe it, I would say it is a combination between a Brazilian slum and an artistic masterpiece. I also forgot to mention two key features... It has it's own 'rave cave' and sex bed. Seriously I'm not joking. The rave cave can only be described as a crack den for the wasters of society. We fitted in perfectly. 

Awesome courtyard at Grandio

Nice exterior

So after checking in to the slum where we could potentially spend our last night on this planet, we went to the highest point in Budapest to check out the view. Stunning! After such a long trek we went back to the thermal spas and actually relaxed there all afternoon. The whole place was open this time so we sampled the saunas and all the natural spas which are at a range of different temperatures. We were relaxed and ready to party! After meeting a few people, we drank in Grandio courtyard and also went back to Zsimpla and had a great night. To finish off the evening, we drank in the rave cave and had a good laugh. Two people were passed out on the sofas and clearly they had an awesome night! 

Monument overlooking Budapest


Pete trying not to fall down a slope

Camp pose

Crack den/hostel/hell on earth

The next day was tough. My body was in a state and I had a night train to Split in Croatia. It was the last day that Pete and I would be travelling together so after two weeks of partying and irritating the eastern European population, we went our separate ways. Glad to see the back of that waste man! So as I type this, I'm on a night train to Split. In my cabin is a Hungarian family and the train guard has gone off with my Interrail ticket which I hope he's bringing back. My Hungarian isn't very fluent yet. I can't wait for two days relaxing by the sea and sampling lots of food. Right time to attempt to get some sleep! S x

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