Saturday 30 March 2013


After a great time in Chiang Mai, I made my way south to Phuket. I enjoyed it there but it was a bit too westernised. However the highlight of my stay involved a day trip to the surrounding islands! This included the famous 'James Bond' island. Such an amazing trip and worth every penny.

The day involved being paddled in a canoe through caves and also a chance to catch some rays! Obviously being the idiot that I am I got a bit sunburnt but that was a small price to pay! I've now left Phuket and made my way to Koh Phi Phi. It is the most amazing place in the world and I'll be doing a blog about it soon. Anyway here's a few pictures of the day out!

S x

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Tiger Kingdom/Temple/Flight of the Gibbon

The last two things I got up to in Chiang Mai involved tigers and monkeys, I'm pretty much the new Dr Dolittle.

Firstly I went on a day out to Tiger Kingdom. A few of you may have seen some of my pictures on Facebook. A friend and I went there on a moped which was a cool experience in itself but playing with the tiger cubs was so much fun! You spend about 15mins with them and they are so playful. Cats rule.

We then made our way up to the hills of Chiang Mai where we visited a temple. It had just reached dusk and candles were lit there and we even saw monks chanting! Such a relaxed atmosphere there and even though I'm not massively in to temples, it was really good.

The last activity I did was called Flight of the Gibbon. It involved flying through the jungle on zip lines! If you're afraid of heights it's not for you! We had a crazy instructor called Tim. A very authentic thai name as you would expect. He was crazy! He was singing random songs and making crazy jokes throughout. I love most weird people in life so I embraced it but the other members of the group were not so keen on him! After the zip lines he even drove me up the road on the back of his moped and got me a beer. He even showed me where he lives, maybe he fancied me? I'll never know.

Anyway after a random last minute flight back to Bangkok and a 12 hour bus journey to Phuket, I am now in the South of Thailand. Also the bus was so relaxing. I had a girl sat behind me throwing up every hour and making sounds that have scarred me for life! I'll be doing a blog on Phuket and my day out to the amazing islands either tonight or tomorrow. Right enough blabbing, here's some pictures of my adventures!



Me and Tigger

New scarf


Trying to run away from me :(

Stairs to the temple, knackering!

Temple candle

Temple candle 2

Monks chanting

Outside temple

Zip lines! Whoop!

King of the jungle

Amazing views

Being lowered to the jungle floor

Very proud I spotted the camera man!

'Tim' causing mayhem

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Julie Guesthouse - Chiang Mai

Staying at Julie Guesthouse has been brilliant. Such a chilled out atmosphere with lots of backpackers. This afternoon I just chilled in a hammock and read my kindle!

They don't even ask you to pay for anything up front. They basically set up a tab and you pay for everything when you leave. You literally just help yourself to beers from the fridge and write down what you've had. I have been on a milkshake binge here as the food is great!

I'm staying in a 200 baht a night room which is roughly £4.50. Double bed, fan and private bathroom with hot shower. Such a bargain and if anyone is thinking of travelling to Thailand, this is a great place to stay.

Today I cycled around the city and it was great to see more things going on. I've also just got back from a Thai massage just around the corner from where I'm staying. They stretch you about, lie on your back and treat you like a rag doll! However it is mixed with a normal style massage so you do come away feeling relaxed and it's only £3 for a whole hour! Chiang Mai has been brilliant!

S x

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Adventure activity day!

I had a great day out on Friday which involved elephant riding, a jungle trek, swimming in a waterfall, white-water rafting and also bamboo rafting!

For all of that it cost only 1000 baht which is just over £20, an absolute bargain. It is only an hour drive outside of Chiang Mai and the scenery is breathtaking. Riding on the elephant was a once in a lifetime experience and I'm so happy I went and did it. The elephants eat around 200kg of food a day (nearly as much as I eat) and they love bananas and sugar cane. I bought a bag full before I started the ride and it didn't take long for the elephant to eat it all! I even got the chance to sit on its neck and ride the elephant properly which was daunting at first but absolutely fine! 

Overall a great day and the best thing I've ever done. If you go to Chiang Mai, don't miss out on this experience!

S x

Stunning scenery

Me and my new friend

Feeding the elephant

Trying to get more food from me!

Hello trunk

Camera shy elephant

Still wanting more food!

Transport across the river

River crossing

Pat-thai lunch

Hike to the waterfall


Before going for a paddle!


Gorgeous view while on the elephant!

Tribe hut

Thursday 14 March 2013

Chiang Mai

It is 7.40am which is way too early! Went for a night out yesterday so feeling the effects of it this morning.

Arrived in Chiang Mai yesterday morning and it is a gorgeous place with a far more relaxed vibe than Bangkok. Today I am doing an activity day booked through my guest house. It is a combination of riding and looking after elephants, seeing a hill tribe and white water rafting/bamboo rafting. Really looking forward to it and I shall upload a new blog about it tomorrow!

S x