Thursday 4 September 2014

Last stop - Bruges and Amsterdam


My final Europe travel blog! I'm combining this last one as I was only in both places for a short time. So after being harassed by the crazy French bloke I was quite glad to get off the train and explore Bruges! I checked in to Lybeer hostel which was nice but definitely not a party hostel as advertised! As you walk around Bruges it's very picturesque and such a nice atmosphere in the evening. The square with the Belfry tower, horse drawn carriages and restaurants is beautiful and well worth going to see. I spent most of my time in an ice cream parlour (I'm a self confessed ice cream addict who is seeking counselling) and an amazing takeaway pasta restaurant!

Belfry tower

I even managed to watch some dancing one evening! I was tempted to join in but I didn't want to show up everyone with my world class dance routines. Afterwards I explored the streets and the beautiful canals that run through Bruges. I'd recommend a short trip to Bruges but not too long as there isn't loads to do. However I was quite happy to be sat in a nice pub one evening watching the footy and having a few happy hour Jupiler beers!

Yes chocolate!

Shake what your mama gave ya


So what can I say about Amsterdam? It's amazing! I was staying in the Red Light District area which upon first reading does sound dodgy but it's really not! It's such a strange place as it's obviously seedy but at the same time it's beautiful. In the day it looks amazing with a canal running through it as you walk along the cobbled streets. Even at night when things get a bit perverted it's such a cool atmosphere. Everyone is walking around having a laugh as it's really weird having 'working girls' knocking on the windows trying to get you to 'try their services'! You don't take photos of them or I've been told they like to come outside and throw your camera in the canal! Overall a very surreal area of Amsterdam but something you have to see.

Red Light District

Dam square

As I only had one night in Amsterdam I wanted to make the most of it. This meant it was time to find a party! I stumbled upon a pub crawl and managed to join in. I met a few people and had a great night sampling a couple of bars and a club. The next day I wasn't feeling great so I just explored the high street which is near Dam square and on my travels I obviously had a massive filthy burger.

So that was it. My interrail journey was over. 1 month and 11 countries visited! I had such an amazing time and visited so many amazing sites during my travels. Thanks to all the people along the way who made it awesome. I move to Bournemouth on Monday so exciting times ahead and I'm already planning where to travel to next summer. I have a feeling Thailand could be on the cards again for a couple of months....Hard to beat that country and I think it's time for me to return!

S x

Exploring the streets of Paris

So I missed my train to Bruges this morning....I went out last night and slept through my alarm! I managed to book another train though so all is well! However I am now sat next to a crazy French bloke who insists on trying to talk to me even though I don't understand a word! He's now sat out in the corridor charging his phone and singing very loudly. Why do I attract the down and outs of society? 

So I spent two nights in Paris and I wish it had been for longer. My first day was spent exploring the sites such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame as well as visiting the Latin Quarter for a nice meal. I also walked along the Seine and saw a couple of the famous bridges with lots of padlocks left by couples. Such a relaxed atmosphere in Paris it really is such a nice place to visit. The evening was spent at a house party hosted by a couple of French guys I met in Barcelona. It was a really good night! Hello François and Faycal if you're reading! 
Some famous French thing

Angry French bloke telling me not to take pictures. The swine.

Notre Dame

On the second day I decided to visit the Arc de Triomphe and I also had a stroll down the Champs Elysées. Another nice meal in the Latin Quarter was followed by a trip to Montmartre where there were lots of quaint restaurants and cool artists. In the evening I met up with the French guys and a chap from my hostel to have some drinks and a night out! 


Arc de Triomphe


Hard to remember why I'm eating a rose

Fag in one hand, paintbrush in the other. Skills

I've enjoyed Paris so much and I'm looking forward to Bruges which is meant to be beautiful. I just need to get this journey out of the way and hopefully not get harassed by the weird guy on this train! 

S x